Friday Uniting Gordon Community Centre Activities
For the past 40 years Gordon-Pymble Uniting Church have been conducting a Community Centre program. It’s a place where people can engage in activities and belong, regardless of their circumstances, religion, and abilities. We seek to be an inclusive community with no ‘ins or outs’.
Over the last 5 years our program has grown and whilst we have community groups running most days of the week, we also have specific community events for celebratory weeks and information sessions e.g. Seniors Week. We recognise that people need a safe place to connect with others.
A free morning tea is available from 10 am onwards.
Why not make a morning of it! You’re welcome to stay to join the $10 community BBQ afterwards.
18 Cecil Street
Gordon, NSW 2072

Watercolour, Painting and Drawing
Come and join our relaxed art group. Bring along your own materials and work on your own art creation. Our resident artist, Jeanie, provides individual support and inspiration when needed.
This group is suitable for budding artists (beginners) and experienced painters. We do have some art supplies for those coming for the first time and not knowing what to bring along.
Time/date: 9.30am to 12.30pm, commences on first Friday of each school term
Tutor: Jeanie
Cost: $8 per week or $60 per term for 1 person. $90 per term for 2 people from same household.
Knitting Group
Our Wrap with Love knitting group is one of our longest running groups. It’s a place where people can come along and knit squares or work on their own craft project. This is a friendly and chatty group that delight in creating blankets from collection squares made by the group. The blankets are distributed worldwide amongst people in need.
Members of the group are willing to teach others how to knit, crochet and join squares together. We do have some knitting needles and yarn available.
Time/date: 10am to 12.30pm, commences on first Friday of each school term
Tutor: Flo and Rosemary
Cost: $8 per week or $60 per term for 1 person. $90 per term for 2 people from same household.

Current Affairs
Join our Current Affair Discussion group for a lively but friendly discussion about a current issue.
Time/date: 10am to 11.15am, commences on first Friday of each school term
Tutor: Various members from the group
Cost: $8 per week or $60 per term for 1 person. $90 per term for 2 people from same household.
We have a small friendly group of experienced Mah-jong players who meet each week. They invite other like-minded Western style players to join them.
Time/date: 10am to 12.30pm, commences on first Friday of each school term
Tutor: Various members from the group
Cost: $8 per week or $60 per term for 1 person. $90 per term for 2 people from same household.

Conversations in the Courtyard
Join our friendly discussion group to talk about a variety of interesting topics. Group members are invited to help suggest topics and perhaps lead the discussion.
This group is designed to follow on from the Current Affairs Group but can be attended people only wanting to join this session.
Time/date: 11.15am to 12.30pm, commences on first Friday of each school term
Tutor: Chris
Cost: $8 per week or $60 per term for 1 person. $90 per term for 2 people from same household.
Lunch in the Courtyard
Our wonderful volunteers serve a delicious meal of salad, bread, sausages, and dessert available after the morning activities.
Gluten free options are available if advised in advance.
Time/date: From 12.30pm, commences on first Friday of each school term
Tutor: Bruce and Rosemary
Cost: $8 per week or $60 per term for 1 person. $90 per term for 2 people from same household.