Discussion Groups
Some of our discussion groups explore faith from an ethical and philosophical perspective, some more from a biblical perspective and some from a faith in action perspective.

Heart and Mind
Using Christian Literary books, both modern and traditional, we explore how the texts relate to faith and can be expressed through the way we choose to live.
The group meet on the third Sunday of the month at 6pm in various locations.
Contact Heather McMaster at heather@workingmaths.net
2nd Sundays @ Sixth
Our group endeavours to explore various aspects of life whether it is discussing the news, hot topics or Bible verses. We share our experiences, have a laugh (or a cry) and try to find something we can take away to aid us for the week ahead.
We welcome you to join our group every second and fourth Sunday of the month at 6pm at Pymble Church. Contact the office at info@gpuc.org.au or 9498 6729

Tuesday Evening Conversations
Our group is a dinner and discussion group which explores science, religion, ecotheology, cosmology and belief in the modern world. This is the place to come and wrestle with the questions in life that are difficult to answer.
We welcome you to join our group on Tuesday evenings at 6.30pm at the Gordon Church or by zoom. Contact Nicola Robinson at nicola@gpuc.org.au for further information.
Thursday Bible Study
Our group focuses on the weeks lectionary readings, commentaries and questions, set out in “With Love to the World”. We greatly value the chance to chat, explore and enrich our learning about the messages for the upcoming week.
We welcome you to join our group by Zoom on Thursday mornings at 10am.
Contact Sue Conde at sue.conde@gpuc.org.au for further information