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Young People & Families

Living in our busy city of Sydney, it can be hard to slow down & regularly put time aside to connect with each other... even with those who live under the same roof as you!


We offer a variety of activities & events for those within the First Third of Life, in hope to better connect households with themselves & others in the local community.

Come join us, all are welcome!

Come & have a play with us.

Join other families of all shapes & sizes in our local area as we meet, play & simply connect with one another! Our program run by our wonderful staff include free play, story time, craft activities and singing & dancing.

BYO Morning Tea, no need to register.

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Tuesdays | 9:30am - 11:30am

Gordon Site (Only during NSW School Term)

As we are a Uniting Church, we affirm that all people are made in the image of God & commit ourselves to the care, protection and safety of all people with whom we come in contact with.

All of our children & youth volunteers have a Working With Children's Check & comply with the Uniting Church Safe Church Unit policies & standards. For more information click here.

Larissa Larin
Kids, Young People & Families Ministry Worker
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